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It’s a big week….

By January 6, 2016News

We’ve just finished sorting everything out after our big events at Christmas time, and now there’s even more big stuff coming along;

Well, naturally, the first thing is the refreshed look of this web site.  there’s been a lot of work going on behind the scene for a few weeks now; we’ve kept our web site guru Nick busy!  He’s updated the site and make it easier to view with mobile devices.  The good news is that Nick makes a decent cup of coffee, so I’ve looked forward to the meetings to discuss the changes.  Nick is a dab hand at this kind of thing, and gave Thames Valley Tango it’s visual identity years ago.  Lots have people praise the site and so we’re in good hands.

The bad news is that I’m faced with learning a new system (what could possibly go wrong?) , so he’s got to expect to get a few calls for help over the next few weeks.

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