
This was our first Eastonathon but hopefully not the last one. It was just amazing! Thank you so much Charles and Sarah!
Amazing event. Thank you Charles, Sarah, DJs, friends & lovely people I danced with, chatted with or just plain hugged
It was especially fabulous fun, so many thanks to Sarah, Charles, the djs and lovely dancers
thank you so much for all your hard work in organising such a lovely event - I thoroughly enjoyed my two days at Eton
WOW!!! Thanks a lot Charles and Sarah, for organizing remarkable tango event! Looking forward for the next edition!
Thank you for organising a most enjoyable and friendly event. I look forward to the next one.
Thank you for the invite, we enjoyed ourselves and were pleased to see how successful the event was for you both, (but not surprising as you clearly both work so hard and invest a lot of time and effort). We were glad to be involved and ... would have stayed longer!
Just wonderful! Thank you so much!
Another wonderful tango weekend in Eton - I ❤️ this place!! Thank you to all the leaders for the amazing dances and thank you Sarah for all the amazing cakes. See you next time!
"This was a great event .... Really enjoyed the music and enjoyed dancing with all the wonderful tangueras today. You made my weekend!"
Thank you everyone for fantastic time in Windsor!
What a wonderful way to spend Easter! Tango Heaven with friend old and new....! Thank you everyone who made my Eastonathon so special
Great food and great music a huge thank you to all the lovely tangueras amazing dances
Thank you for a wonderful Tango experience these last days. Thank you for all the love and care that went in to every little part of it. It was very much appreciated
Thanks to you and Sarah for organizing the tango “thons - I really appreciate and enjoy them.
"Thank you Charles and Sarah for a wonderful evening at Junction 8 - I had some lovely dances to some fabulous music & could've danced, danced, danced all night!!"
Thank you so much for the lovely weekend. I was very nervous on Friday when I first arrived at the venue, but I had a wonderful time there.
you guys put up a magnificent event! You should be very proud!
Thank you two for starting up again and tempting in such a tremendous throng of tangueros , that put at ease my trembling, un-danced feet and left me totally happy from tip to toe! Looking forward to the next one
Thanks for all your hard work Charles & Sarah. I'm so lucky to have such a wonderful event on my doorstep, where I get to dance with my growing number of old and new friends who travel from all over the country and beyond three times a year. Long may it continue.
"I loved the music and relaxed atmosphere"
Good Friday became even better last night with a great start to our first visit to Eton tango. People were friendly, music was lovely, delicious selection of cakes available all evening and I was lucky enough to experience many lovely Tandas. Thank you Thames Valley Tango for the warm welcome.
What a wonderful way to spend a weekend! Many thanks Charles & Sarah for putting it on and making us feel welcome and (as far as possible) safe. And many thanks to everyone who came along. It wouldn't be the same without you (us!) would it? Etonathon is in my diary
That was a wonderful weekend: thank you Charles, Sarah, DJs all and fellow dancers!
Feeling all warm and happy after dancing all day and night yesterday at Eastonathon! Brilliant music, yummy embraces, beautiful music, delicious cakes. Thank you Charles, Sarah and friends.
Thank you. To the organisers, the DJs, the helpers and, of course, the dancers, for the warm welcome and the beautiful tandas
Thank you Sarah, Charles and Torin for a lovely weekend of tango and a monumental effort of work.
Thank you all for a cracking weekend of music and dance. Looking forward to the next one. Thank you all for a cracking weekend of music and dance. Looking forward to the next one.
What a lovely evening of tango! Thank you to all the gentlemen who asked me to dance! Thanks to Charles for the music and bakers for the cakes! They just sweetened the night.
What an amazing experience again! THANK YOU ALL!!!:)
So happy that I was finally in the country and able to attend Eastonathon. It was fab!
Thank you Charles Long and Sarah Stribley what a fabulous week of dance culminating in a lovely NYE bash
Thank you Charles, Sarah and everyone else for making the weekend such a success. Had a fabulous time as always!!!
Thank you all, I had a wonderful time. Fortunately there isn't a legal limit on hugs before driving.
Thankyou Charles Long & Sarah Stribley for your organisation ! and Charles also for your music and tandas… Great to be there for part of the event! Thank you to the beautiful Leaders who shared their embrace with me and all the wonderful women who conversations entertained me… great to see the community together again
The perfect weekend
Many thanks for all those hours you put into the event! I had some amazing dances and went home totally satisfied!
Thanks to all Septonathon’s music makers and dancers for a fab weekend
Thanks to all for making my first time at Eton so memorable. Beautiful tandas with lovely warmth and energy from everyone. Body is knackered but my heart is full and happy.
I just wanted to say thank you so much for all your hard work with this last weekend and indeed every milonga that you do - your milongas are always my favourite place to dance! I know how much work goes into setting up a big event and I just wanted to let you know how much it's appreciated!
thank you for Septonathon, your tireless organisational skills, warm smiles and hospitality, not forgetting the delicious cakes
"Oh my gosh, that was a gorgeous evening, thank you everyone!"
Wonderful to be part of this lovely event, thank you for making it happen
What a beautiful day that was! Thanks, Sarah and Charles for hosting me and for all your hard work in organising such successful events. It was also an opportunity to meet old and new friends
Thank you for making it such a brilliant event, lovely atmosphere, music, keeping us going with very tasty cakes, tea and coffee and bringing together lots of fabulous dancers!!!
Thank you for organising a lovely event, we had a great time again!
You've got the formula just right, which is why I think you run one of the best milongas anywhere and make tango in the UK richer for it... Sincere thank yous again from a delighted punter
Thank you so much for your hard work as always in putting on such a fantastic event! Cakes were fab as always, helpers really polite and a lovely welcome from you both Charles and Sarah. Thank you for amazing music
Fabulous 4 days. Thank you Charles & Sarah, & everyone I danced with. Blissful.
Thank you Sarah and Charles for arranging a lovely two days to meet and dance with such lovely people. A firm favourite for me
Already one week past, my wife is still indulging in all the good music and dances she got from Eastonathon, happy wife = happy husband! Not mentioning about the excellent organiser and the brilliant DJs, but also a special thanks to every single individual who has taken part in the event and created this fabulous weekend all together. You Rox! Big hug! Happy tango everyone! Hope to see you soon!
Wonderful weekend. Thank you guys!
Still dizzy with delight with all the gorgeous dances I had and long may it last.
Speechless with the joy of Septonathon. (Sighs, exits stage left, falls asleep)
A fabulous Etonathon and New Years Eve, I had a wonderful time big hugs
Too good My feet hurt
It was such a pleasure to play for the lovely crowd, and dance in the evening. Wonderful event as always!
Just wanted to congratulate everyone for what was a seriously fun event! I had an amazing time watching you dancing beautifully to my music on sunday but better than that, I have to thank all of those who shared many tandas with me throughout the festival. Last but not least, I take a bow to Charles and Sarah for their amazing organizational skills. Keep on the good work! In one word - bliss!
thank you Sarah and Charles for a wonderful Etonathon!!!! .. especially your DJ set Charles on Wednesday. which i really enjoyed. .Such beautiful music and lovely atmosphere.
I had a wonderful time: good venue, great music from all DJs …, high dance standard … and friendly people. The floor craft and courtesy were impressive – much better than in Sydney. People generally asked permission to enter the line of dance and (mostly) stayed in their lanes. I will definitely have Thames Valley Tango on my “to do” list when next I return to the UK.
It was fabulous! Thanks so much Charles and Sarah, and everyone… I’m already looking forward to the December edition!!
I really enjoyed today - especially the milonga this evening. Music was fab. Cakes too.
Charles, Sarah and all the wonderful DJs, thank you so much for a really lovely few days - the perfect antidote to lying around and eating chocolate! You work so hard at providing the most wonderful event and it is most appreciated
It was a great event, as always is!
It took quite some time to recover after the great Etonathon. Thank you all for the new beautiful memories and wonderful energy. A big chunk of that energy was provided by Charles and Sarah; thank you for all the hard work
Thank you Charles & Sarah for the most fabulous Etonathon. Amazing DJs. Yummy cakes and gorgeous dances!
"Such friendly fun. I don't know if its the mix of music that brings out the best in people but I can't remember having so many dances and so much fun at a Milonga."
Septonathon does it again!! Charles' and Sarah's organisation was impeccable (again)!
Had a fabulous time - as always at Eton! Thank you leaders for the wonderful dances and to Charles & Sarah for such an organised and friendly event
Such a nice event! The atmosphere, the cakes, the people, the cakes, the music, the cakes, the venue, the cakes - I could go on! Thank you Charles and Sarah - you did it again!
What a wonderful event... Sarah and Charles ... You just get it right... People from the whole country and more... Woweee!!!
What a great event! Thank you Charles and Sarah for organising and bringing such great DJs to Eton and thanks to the DJ's and fellow dancers for making it such a great experience. I can't count the number of truly amazing tandas I shared. Home now, very tired but very happy with a big bunch of memories to keep me smiling over the coming days and weeks.
Etonathon 2019 was superb. Great Golden Age tangos, perfect floor in an excellent venue, codigos, delicious cake....and of course our hosts who made five days in Old Windsor an absolute delight.
"I had a big smile on my face from the minute I started"
Thanks Charles and Sarah much needed after Christmas!
just brilliant! Lovely atmosphere, music, and followers. I had such a good evening - thank you.
Thank you for a brilliant weekend,... Really enjoyed it and looking forward to more in the future
As everyone has already said, fab weekend. Thank you Charles, Sarah and Kelly for all your hard work. Sarah this week's Star Baker. Lovely dances with friends old and new.
So many thank yous needed! To Charles and Sarah for being such fantastic hosts and for creating the very special Eton atmosphere. To all of the wonderful DJs for the music which was fabulous throughout and to all the lovely dancers who I danced and shared the floor with in such a joyful and considerate way. It was wonderful..thank you!
"There’s all these wonderful people that I can now call friends, and it’s just incredibly special"
I had a fabulous time it was great to be back on the dance floor. Thank you Charles and Sarah for organising
Wonderful time at Etonathon as always. Thank you Sarah and Charles for organizing this great event. We loved being once again part of it.
"Come along and give it a go. It will get you hooked!"
Thank you Charles and Sarah for another fabulous event. Loved it as always with delicious cakes Sarah!!!
Great atmosphere! Great music! Great dancing! Great weekend! Thank you all very much x
That was some 4 days, Sarah & Charles - thank you. And thank you to the tangueras for your warm generosity, to the DJs who indulged us rather than yourselves, and to all those tangueros who danced for the ronda.
Sarah’s cakes last weekend at the Etonathon were a dream. Is there anything in which she is not expert? Thank you Sarah for your efforts and making it a splendid four days.
Fabulous! Thank you Charles & Sarah, everyone who danced, co-DJs and kitchen helpers. You all made this weekend absolutely great!
Love, laughter and a glorious amount of hugs....and eggs... Such an amazing vibe with so many experienced dancers and new folks too. Lots of time to chat as well as dancing really makes for a great community
It was a lovely event, and the New Year's Eve was perfect!!! THANK YOU BOTH!!
Thank you Charles and Sarah for yet another brilliantly organised Etonathon! I declare Sarah Star Baker of the tango world for the irresistible chocolate cake and the coffee and walnut temptation! X
Heading home after a perfect afternoon dancing. Thank you leaders for the lovely dances and thank you Charles & Sarah for such a friendly event (and of course the cakes)
Sarah H
Fabulous 4 days. Thank you Charles Long & Sarah, & everyone I danced with. Blissful.Fabulous 4 days. Thank you Charles & Sarah, & everyone I danced with. Blissful.
"Charles really breaks it down and gives you stuff that you can do on a dance floor. I found I could learn to dance Tango much, much faster and much more confidently with Charles than with any other teachers"
Absolutely brilliant weekend of dancing thank you
"Thank you for a truly fun night...tango on the wild side...woo hoo!"
"It uplifts me. I love it. The music is amazing"
Still grinning. It was great
a big thank you to Charles and Sarah for enabling such a special event. Thanks also to ... our unique tango community that attended; full of smiling, happy, friendly people - and so many gorgeous embraces!
I had an amazing time for 2 days - blew my socks off! Thank you Charles and Sarah for putting on one of the best events I've been to in the UK - so relaxed and friendly and fantastic music from the DJs.
A really lovely event; fab djs, friendly dancers, warm hosts ... and lemon polenta
It was great! We had a lovely time - thanks to all!
Thank you Charles & Sarah for creating this beautiful event. So much hard work behind the scenes really is appreciated.
Thank You Charles and Sarah for a wonderful weekend of Tango. We reflected on it all the way home on Monday evening. Monday afternoon was the icing on the cake for me. The Music was sublime as was the other D/J choice also. Now I'm hearing about all the yummy food that we had no time to eat for dancing
Huge thank you both, the DJs and helpers for an absolute stonking weekend! I would not have wanted to be anywhere else
The energy from the dance floor was outstanding! Watching all of you dancing & smiling made me fly! Thanks again
Everything was absolutely superb! Many ,many thanks to everybody who organised and participated to the best tango marathon in UK!
Loved every minute ! All blissed up....
Thanks for a lovely event, and I really enjoyed catching up with some tangueros and tangueras I hadn't seen for far too long.
Thank you Charles and Sara-) for a fab weekend… Lovely space, nice music, lovely djs, and fab peeps. What more could a visiting dancer ask for.
And I would drive 500 miles and I would drive 500 more just to be with the lovely peeps of Old Windsor. Thank you for a fabulous time!
I'd liked to have come to more of the milongas.. you and Sarah work so hard to create a great event!
Fantastic - great music, great dancing, delicious cakes - thanks Charles and Sarah!
Thank you Charles and Sarah for a wonderful event! Thank you both for all your hard work for these events. Jenny x
Charles and Sarah - thank you once again for a wonderful afternoon yesterdays. Fab dances with fab partners; and fab music too!
Thank you charles and Sarah for a fabulous time at Eton. wow... what a great time I had. Thanks to the DJ's. Charles & Sarah..... you're amazing! Wonderful cakes and everything runs seamlessly. Thank you. Last but not least to the leaders who made my two days of dancing so amazing..... I am still smiling. Happy new year.
Thank you for fantastic two days of dancing. Sarah & Charles - you truly are amazing hosts
Well that was a fun weekend. I danced to so much great music, many of my absolute favourite tracks and sometimes whole tandas. Great djs. My feet are not happy but the rest of me is....cant wait for the next one....
Super! Super evening thank you so much Sarah and Charles what a great evening and lovely dances
Thank you Charles and Sarah for such a wonderful weekend!!! our first weekend at Eton and it was a hit!xxx
Thank-you Charles and Sarah for a wonderful weekend
Oh my goodness what a fabulous 3 evenings I have had. Thank you so much Charles & Sarah, your hard work definitely paid off. Divine dances, sore feet!!
Thank you Charles and Sarah! I had a wonderful time x
What a wonderful few days! Thank you again Charles and Sarah, and everyone else involved with the organisation. And thank you to my brilliant dance partners.
Beautiful milongas these days. I enjoyed it very much
What a great event! Many thanks to Sarah and Charles, DJs and dancing partners. Just fantastic!
Thank you so much Charles and Sarah for a fab Septonathon !!! What a great weekend . Thank you for the Brilliant Dj's and wonderful dances
Wonderful Eton.... Thank you all! Fabulous...
Everything was superb: venue, organisation, atmosphere, music and dancers!
Fabulous as always. Thank you
Thank you for organising such fabulous event! I had great time as always and looking forward to more in the New Year!
Thank you Sarah and Charles for special experience of 4 days. Wonderful music, fabulous leaders, unforgettable dances. Feeling blessed to have such a great festival next door to us.
Thanks to all of you who make it happen and at the same time make it look so effortless. We all know it's anything but. Another fabulous event
It was so good to be back, to dance, to listen to wonderful music, and even better to catch up with friends. Thank you to everyone, but a very big thank you to Charles and Sarah for making it happen
What a wonderful weekend! Thanks Charles, Sarah, and all the great DJs and people who danced with me.
Great event, as ever, thank you Charles and Sarah!
Thanks to you and Sarah for putting on such a lovely weekend of tango
Best Eastonathon ever! Superb organization, excellent DJ choice, beautiful dancers, cakes that call your name every time you go to the kitchen... Everything was spot on! Thank you very much!
Thank you both for creating such a lovely event once again, and to you Sarah for the wonderful home made cakes that are just too good!
Your event attracts such a great mix of dancers! And all in a fabulous setting with delicious cakes. And the music is not so bad either. What more could one ask for?
Thank You.. always a wonderful welcome, great music, excellent floor and the loveliest people. ❤ you guys
I thought Etonathon was a brilliantly organised event. Sincere thanks for the hard work and organisation, both in evolution across the years and for the specific event, that made it appear seamlessly smooth and easy to run. The result was great enjoyment for the participants!
Many thanks once again Charles and Sarah, a truly delightful event
It was especially fabulous fun, so many thanks to Sarah, Charles, the DJs and lovely dancers
Thank you very much!!! I got a great time and such lovely dances.... great ABRAZOS and amazing ENERGY my 2 favourite words after TANGO....
What a lovely four days of Tango, thank you both
I had the best time, a great success!
Thanks for another lovely weekend. I had a fantastic time, as always. I'm already counting the days till the Septonathon!
Please don't recommend the NYE event to all your friends - I want to get in again next year! Super event, great music, lovely dance partners, and don't forget the cake and bubbly. What more could we want? Thank you Charles and Sarah!
Thank you thank you thank you for going above and beyond in organising this event. So happy that I could make it this year ... So many wonderful tandas with partners new and old!
What a special Easter this became! Lots of friends + great music throughout the whole weekend = a happy heart. Am still dancing! Thank you Charles and Sarah for inviting me to DJ @ Eastonathon, and thanks to all the dancers who created such great energy during my set
It was simply wonderful , thank you all
Fabulous weekend of dancing at Eton! Great dancing, excellent music, meeting old friends and making new. Coffee & cakes galore. Thank you
Thank you Sarah and Charles, and everyone else too, for a wonderful time.
Thank you for a great weekend of dancing, I had a thoroughly good time and met lots of lovely dancers from far and wide.
Thank you both for working so hard to give everyone such a lovely time
"It’s the most satisfying dance that you will ever learn "
What a fabulous atmosphere..... feeling content and happy
"I heard about Thames Valley Tango, and I tried, and it was amazing."
Ouf... That was good. Thank you Charles and Sarah for a lovely event.
Had a fab day dancing with you on Saturday.. thank you for organising such a great event!
It was a great weekend! Thank you!
"I was totally intrigued and totally mesmerised by what Thames Valley Tango was doing, and that just hooked me and I stayed. I learned to dance tango and it has been one of the happiest things in my life"
We've just arrived home in Edinburgh, and wanted to say a particular thanks to Charles, and Sarah, for providing us with the perfect mini-moon (mini-honeymoon). Along with all the wonderful attendees, and fantastic DJs … You've created a real gem, and we thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it. Thank you, all.
Thank you Charles and Sarah, and everyone who made my afternoon special . Loved it.
Sunday was amazing!!! 🙂 Thank you to the DJs for the awesome music, my lovely dancers and to Charles and Sarah!
Thank you unreservedly for your classes - my life would not be half as good as it is now if you hadn't got me hooked on this wonderful dance
Very friendly, well organised, good standard and fab cakes. What’s not to like
A huge thank you to Sarah and Charles as well as to DJs and all my dance partners for such a lovely event with so many unforgettable moments
A lovely time and varied throughout. The same warm and friendly welcome from the hosts though
Another excellent weekend.
Super! Super evening thank you so much Sarah and Charles what a great evening and lovely dances
A great thank you to Charles and Sarah for such a great event over the weekend. Lovely to see so many people enjoying themselves, fantastic music and such fab hospitality for making us feel so welcome
Thank you Sarah & Charles for an AMAZING few days in Tango Heaven
My first Etonathon and I had such a fabulous time - thank you so much and see you at Easter
Fabulous right up to the end. Heard several people who claimed they were tired and needed to leave but the music just kept them dancing....
Thank you Charles and Sarah!! You created something special again! I had great fun with a fantastic hall, friendly atmosphere, good cakes, lovely dances, nice chats and about a 1001 cups of tea..
The best multi-day tango event I've ever attended... well done and thank you!
Hurty feet, happy heart. Schplendiddd Septonathon. Thank you everyone.
I left on a high with a big smile - as always... thanks Charles and Sarah and the team for a wonderful few days and for all your hard work in putting on such a fantastic event. I can't wait for the Eastonathon! Xx
Fabulous as ever! Thank you Sarah and Charles and a very happy New Year!!
one of the best events in the country. Spotless organization, utmost professionalism and tasty catering! No wonder people keep coming back and back again, each time bringing more people with them!
The best tango event in the UK
Charles and Sarah, all the DJs and dancing partners, thank you for the wonderful Christmas tango fairytale at Eton!
I had a lovely time and you both go to such effort to make these occasions special! X so Thank you!
It takes a lot of thought, planning and energy to run a four day event successfully. Eton is so well sorted, that you are not really aware of the organization around you; the event just flows.
Thanks Charles and Sarah for the fabulous event. I will greatly recommend it to all my friends at home and abroad.
There was such a happy buzz. Everyone seemed to be smiling
Thank you so much for this great WE. Your welcoming and so beautiful music make it unforgettable
A place, a milonga, an event, that has gained a deserved reputation for good floorcraft a respectful 'moving' ronda and great hosts and this is how a packed salon works. Great dancers, great DJ's, great cakes from Mrs CakeyMcStribs is why I love dancing in Eton and have done for the last seven years.
Well Eton you have lived up to expectations, first visit will not be the last. The floor and everything else was lovely, am presuming the music will stop playing in my head too soon. Too short a visit but very sweet
Thank you Charles and Sarah, Ricardo, Diego and all you lovely leaders. My feet tell me I had an excellent time!
Well that was a rather splendid day. Thank you, thank you, thank you....
Sarah and Charles were amazing hosts!!! Thank you so much. We had a great time, dancing and DJing!
A wonderful weekend dancing! Thank you and all my lovely partners.
It was proper luvverly, thanks everyone
A great event (as always at Eton). Must get down more often. Thanks Charles, Sarah and all the DJs.
Have had a really fantastic time - very well organised - thank you to all the followers for the wonderful tandas and the leaders for respecting the floorcraft/etiquette
Ali Thank you Sarah and Charles for an amazing event again and again and again
It was a joy from start to finish. You make a great team
Jo P
"The way Thames Valley Tango break the lessons down, the encouragement they gave, made you feel very confident in what you were learning. We were dancing tango in a few weeks; it was fantastic!"
I came for the first time and was so impressed by the friendliness and standard of dancing! Lovely - thank you to Charles and Sarah and to all those who took a risk and danced with a new face.
Thanks for another great day. But that's now the norm at Eton at Easter and Christmas. And getting better every holiday. That's why so many fabulous dancers came from all over the UK and Europe.
"Thames Valley Tango is a very good place to come. It’s a very friendly environment, you’ll get on well with people and you’ll be dancing straight away. You will enjoy it from day one, it’s a very good place to start"
Thank you for fantastic event! I had incredible time!
My first visit and thank you for fabulous music and dancing and a simply gorgeous time!
A very successful and fun Eastonathon. It was a pleasure to be there, to see so many friends and make some new ones.
"It’s the best thing ever. It’s just changed my world"
Eastonathon was superb as usual, wonderful dancing, lovely to catch up with old friends! My feet are just recovering! Sarah you need to stop putting out so many delicious cakes, I couldn't stop eating them!! Fabulous DJs, in fact fabulous everything!!
Fantastic event. Thanks so much for your hard work. We all had a wonderful time
Continuous fabulous music and dances. My only complaint is that it's been so good that I haven't wanted to stop dancing to eat any cake.
very lovely Eton weekend thank you Sarah and Charles, and everyone being a part of contributing to such tango lusciousness.. and much gratitude for the yummy cake!!
Great music, beautiful decoration of the hall and enjoyable to see a lot of familiar faces
I had a fantastic weekend! Congratulations on organising another perfect event, it’s just so reliable, I always know it’s going to be great and a lot of people commented the same.
Big thanks to Charles, Sarah and the team for another fantastic few days. Just arrived home, and am still on a high
Thank you Charles & Sarah for again organising an exceptional event, it was a wonderful 4 days. Thank you to the other DJ's for the music that gave the perfect platform for so many wonderful tandas with friends new and old. Until the next great edition..
Thanks to Charles, Sarah and the DJs who have kept us dancing for the past couple of days. I had a wonderful time dancing with a good mix of my 'old favourites' and lots of lovely new faces... and ate less cake than usual. Look forward to seeing you in the New Year
I think I've just had the best time so far at an Eton weekender! Thank you so much to Charles, Sarah, the kitchen fairies, the DJs, the fab leaders and followers
Another fabulous weekend, thank you!!!
Great event. Thank you all very much.