Our Wednesday Tango Nights have always been a popular night for dancing and practice, at Old Windsor Memorial Hall, usually on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday every month.

Wednesday nights are friendly and easy-going, with lots of space on a brand new sprung dance floor, and a dedicated area for practicing and private lessons. It doesn’t matter how experienced you are, or your level of dancing; it’s a perfect time to get together with other dancers and enjoy Tango.

We provide a great mix of music in 3 track tandas, plus loads of free refreshments. You get three and a half hours of top quality dancing time.

Old Windsor Memorial Hall, Straight Rd., Old Windsor, SL4 2RN

Music Selection

Next Wednesday Night Tango:

We’re sorry to say that our Wednesday Night Tango is still postponed whilst we get back to dancing and teaching safely after the Covid-19 lockdown.
Please keep an eye on this page, and our Facebook page, for updates.

Future dates:
